Enjoy collecting USDC and USDT for free on our platform. We remind you that the reward differs from one day to the next because it will be modeled depending on the revenue recorded from advertising. We remind you that in order to collect you need a Faucetpay account - click here if you don't have one.
Collect free USDC every day. No Shortlinks. Max claims per day 5.
Service is not available in the following countries:.
Collect free USDT every day. No Shortlinks. Max claims per day 5.
Service is not available in the following countries:.
1) We do not accept any kind of fraud.
2) Do not use VPN/PROXY.
3) Do not try to collect from multiple accounts.
Violations of the above rules will result in the IP being banned from accessing the platform.
A project created with love for crypto lovers.
If you find any bug / encounter any problem contact us via e-mail.